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Research governance, ethics and integrity

Research Integrity means conducting research in a way that allows others to have confidence and trust in the methods and findings of the research.  It relates to both the integrity of the research process and to the professional integrity of researchers.  Core elements of research integrity (as set out in the UK ) are: honesty, rigour, transparency and open communication, care and respect, and accountability. 

Research ethics is a key part of research integrity which aims to safeguard the interests and well-being of researchers, participants and others impacted by the research (whether human or non-human), as well the environment and wider society. 

Research governance relates to the processes which underpin integrity and ethics, and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.

This page provides links to key policies and other information relating to research integrity, ethics and governance.

Animal research

樱花动漫 is a signatory to the Concordat on Openness in Animal Research.  The linked pages provide information on animal research undertaken by the University.

Animal Research

Key policies and statements

Research Integrity Policy and Code of Good Practice

Research Misconduct Policy

Policy on Ethics in Research and Scholarship

Institutional Affiliation Policy

Open Access Policy

Policy on Engagement of the Public in Research

Policy on Research Involving Terrorist or Violent Extremist Materials

Research Data Management Policy

Research Equipment Sharing Policy

Research Publications Policy

Responsible Use of Metrics Policy

Responsible Use of Metrics Statement

Research Integrity reports

2024 Research Integrity Statement

2023 Research Integrity Statement

2022 Research Integrity Statement 

2022 Research Integrity assurance report

2021 Research Integrity Statement 

2021 Research Integrity assurance report

2020 Research Integrity Statement 

2020 Research Integrity assurance report

2019 Research Integrity assurance report

2018 Research Integrity assurance report

2017 Research Integrity assurance report

Research Integrity Contacts

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Colin Bain, has responsibility for overseeing Research Integrity within 樱花动漫. Anyone wishing to raise a concern regarding matters of Research Integrity at the University should write in confidence to the PVC Research (pvc.research@durham.ac.uk).

Enquiries regarding Research Integrity at the University can be sent to Catherine Brewer, Research Policy Adviser in Research and Innovation Services. Email research.policy@durham.ac.uk



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Ethics & Governance Toolkits

Toolkits for our researchers (internal links)


Ethics Committees - Independent Members Wanted

樱花动漫 would like to appoint members of the public to become independent members of its Ethics Committees, at Department, Faculty and University level.
St Marys Graduation at Durham Cathedral