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Doctoral Study

Our doctoral programme is an exciting opportunity to pursue independent research at the frontline of knowledge. Our students gain expertise in a specific field of knowledge and advanced research skills relevant to positioning the impact of their research in a broader context. They also build transferable skills in project design and management, writing for academic audiences, and skills for communicating beyond the academy. Our program is geared to build your career from day one, including through opportunities for teaching through face-to-face and online modes of delivery.

We are committed to supporting you throughout all aspects of your programme of study. Each student is supported academically by a supervisory team, and our students participate in a diverse forum of intellectual debate. We open the process of research, and our PhD students actively engage work on everything from work-in-progress to presentations by invited speakers. Our doctoral community is itself active in defining and leading research activities, such as seminars and workshops.

How to Apply

The process to apply to the Durham Geography Doctoral Programme involves three stages:

  • The first stage is to secure the agreement by at least one member of academic staff to supervise your doctoral research. To do this, you will need to define your research interests so you can identify potential academic staff working in the appropriate field to contact and open discussions around your topic. Your supervisor will then support you in refining your application to the doctoral programme and to any sources of funding. Explore our areas of research expertise and our staff pages through the link on the right.
  • The second stage is to apply to the Durham Geography Doctoral Programme. The application is made online. You will need to submit details and evidence of your academic qualifications to date, a research proposal and, if appropriate, certification of a recognised English language qualification. Details on how to apply and the English language requirements can be accessed through the link on the right.
  • The third stage is to apply for funding to support your studies. We review applications to the programme on academic merits only and, as such, the second stage is completely independent of third. You do, however, have to be formally accepted onto the programme to be eligible to enter the various funding schemes managed by 樱花动漫. This is equally true for many other funding schemes. Information on the funding schemes managed by Durham can be accessed through the link in the menu on the right.